Andy Chalk Dec 17, 2015
Turtle Rock has added a new Hunter to its asymmetric shooter Evolvenamed Emet, a medical drone that's been "repurposed" for combat. Naturally, the upgrade process didn't go entirely smoothly, and so Emet suffers from a sort of robotic split-personality disorder that's left it part extra-helpful Claptrap, and part HK-51, but more homicidally unhinged.
"E.M.E.T. drones are used throughout the galaxy whenever disaster strikes and injured people need medical attention," the Evolve websiteexplains. "They are reliable medical techs but not very good in battle situations, so Jack shoved a death commando logic core into this one!"
Emet packs a Replay Cannon that tags a target with an explosive dart and then launches several rapid-fire homing missiles at it. He carries Healing Buoys into battle that will regenerate health in nearby allies, and a Respawn Beacon that teleports Hunters into combat directly from the Dropshop, thereby reducing respawn times to 30 seconds. He also has, when he's in murder-mode, a very foul mouth.
Emet launched yesterday alongside Evolve update 7, which features various fixes and balance tweaks, the addition of colorblind support, and plans for two free Hunter adaptations, Wasteland Maggie and Tech Sgt. Hank. Unfortunately for Turtle Rock and 2K, neither the android nor the update appear as though they'll do much to resurrect Evolve: The free weekend in September drove relatively strong numbers for that month, but its average player count over the past 30 days has sunk to just 333—well outside the lower limits of Steam's top 100 game rankings,
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